Today is a Tuesday, not the most popular day to pick as your wedding day but today is different, it's 11/12/13. Both 11/12/13 or 12/13/14 are special dates according to a David's Bridal press release where they estimate over 3,300 brides will marry today, a 772% increase over last year at this time.

"Iconic dates have become a trend in the United States, reaching new heights when over 65,000 couples tied the knot on 07/07/07," said Brian Beitler, Chief Marketing Officer for David's Bridal. "11/12/13 is a sequential pattern, and we have learned that couples love dates that have patterns. The last consecutive series of the century will occur next year, 12/13/14. It falls on a Saturday, so we predict this date could reach record breaking numbers."
New Yorkers Shanel Manzano and her fiancé Elliot Bryant, who tied the knot live on TODAY on Tuesday, getting married on 11/12/13 was a combination of lucky numbers.
Takima Jones and Dexter Bryant, selected their date in part because it was the birthday of Jones’ grandmother, who passed away several years ago. “I kind of felt like since this unique date happened to be her birthday, she was in some odd way giving us her blessing,” Jones said.
The popular website The Knot calls it a "Numerically Quirky Date", and has a comprehensive list of dates to "avoid" getting married on, here.
Wedding Chapels in Las Vegas are estimating up to 70 weddings per chapel today, as opposed to about 5-8 weddings last year on Tuesday. One thing for certain is that couples will choose wedding dates for many different reasons, but that day will be as unique as the couple choosing it.
For now, if you married today Team Romance wants to say "Congratulations", heres to a long, happy marriage with lots of love and laughter!
XOXO Bonnie